Harmony Treatment And Wellness Center offers a medication-assisted treatment solution to those that have been unable to achieve long-term sobriety in abstinence-based programs.
Medication-Assisted Treatment Program (MAT) provides those that meet the criteria with medications that are clinically proven to counter drug use and reduce cravings. Naltrexone, Vivitrol, and Suboxone are three options available for opioid or alcohol addiction that have been shown to help reduce the chance of relapse during and after treatment. Of critical importance, we maintain strict, ethical guidelines and oversight over the way in which these medications are prescribed and taken, as well as to whom and for how long.
Our Suboxone medication assistance program is normally 1 to 6 months in duration and is managed as a long-term weaning from opiates/opioids for those patients who are unable to maintain their sobriety in abstinence-based programs.
The minimal but reasonable doses prescribed by our center are consistent with harm-reduction and the mitigation of cravings, rather than being an indefinite replacement for substances previously used.
By the time a client has reached the maximum program length, medication has already been discontinued and dosages have, throughout the weeks and months, been reduced to the point that undergoing a cessation of the medication is often not difficult at all.
Clients are then allowed to continue their journey to sobriety and move on to a substance-free lifestyle using the tools they retained during their treatment.
Our MAT program typically starts with a psychiatric assessment to determine if there is a need for medications and the proper dosage to be prescribed. The only risk-reducing medications prescribed by our center after detox are Naltrexone, Vivitrol, and Suboxone.
Medications are administered by qualified staff members and our health providers closely watch for reactions to the medications and respond dosage adjustments or discontinuation, if necessary.
Medication levels are closely monitored on a continual basis through urinalysis testing, and dosage is decreased over time as the patient progresses through the different phases of treatment at Harmony Treatment And Wellness Center, including:
As medication dosages are reduced throughout the treatment stay, the body’s dependence on them slowly decreases until towards the completion of the program, only a very small dosage amount is dispensed every few days until it becomes comfortable to stop taking the medication altogether.
Once medications are discontinued, aftercare/outpatient treatment continues for a few more weeks to monitor the patient’s progress in recovery and ensure enough support is provided to guarantee a successful transition to complete abstinence.
Is the MAT program right for you? If you answer yes to any of the following questions, medication-assisted treatment may be appropriate to aid you in your quest to achieve sobriety:
Do you have difficulty maintaining sobriety in traditional abstinence-based treatment programs?
Do you frequently relapse during treatment or upon completion of treatment?
Do you want to stay clean from other substances with the assistance of craving- and risk-reducing medications while working on the long-term goal of achieving and maintaining abstinence?
Are you willing to take medications ONLY as prescribed and for the sole purpose of helping you sustain sobriety while still receiving treatment?
Choosing where to go is an important step in your recovery. At Harmony Treatment and Wellness Center, we give you the tools you need to defeat your addiction and have an experience you’ll never forget.
If you’re ready for that day to be today, call us now: