What Type of Drug is Xanax?


Xanax And Other Types Of Benzodiazepine Drugs

Xanax (alprazolam) belongs to a type of drug called benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines (benzos or BZDs) are  prescribed for various kinds of anxiety. Benzos are effective. But benzos are also addictive. And they can become so very quickly. Benzos work. But for some people, they work a little too well. Xanax addiction can be overcome. But it takes patience, dedication, and proper protocol.

In this blog, Harmony Stuart will help you to:

  • Gain knowledge of what benzos are
  • Explain why benzos like Xanax are so addictive
  • Understand how to overcome Xanax addiction
  • Treatment options without drugs
  • How to get help for types of drugs like Xanax


Gain Knowledge Of What Benzos Are

Doctors mainly prescribe benzodiazepines to treat anxiety disorders. Some scientific evidence also suggests that benzos may help people withdrawing from alcohol. Benzos work by slowing down certain processes in the brain and body. They take effect almost immediately. This attribute also tends to make them addictive.


Our brain make chemicals that regulate our bodies. These chemicals are called neurotransmitters. They influence our appetites, how we think, how active we are. They impact how we understand the world and conduct ourselves in it. One such neurotransmitter is gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. This means it inhibits. It slows things down. GABA keeps the inner workings of our bodies from happening too fast. In the case of anxiety, our thoughts race. Our heart rates elevate. And our blood pressure increases. GABA helps keep these things under control.

GABA And Benzos

Benzos (like Xanax) increase the amount of GABA in the brain. For someone suffering from anxiety, this helps them calm down. Their brain balances out what’s happening inside them. This makes them feel more stable and grounded.

Explaining Why Benzos Like Xanax Are So Addictive

Some medications will gradually make changes. For example, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) must usually be taken for a few weeks before a person notices a difference. But benzos can affect a person after a single dose. In fact, benzos are so addictive that a person can experience withdrawal after only 3-4 weeks of use.

Withdrawal is connected to dependence. If a dependent person stops consuming a drug, they experience withdrawal. If withdrawal symptoms occur, then the person has become dependent. So, a person can become dependent on benzos in less than a month. This means that a person suffering from Xanax addiction cannot function without Xanax. And what’s worse, benzo withdrawal symptoms can be fatal.

Understanding How To Overcome Xanax Addiction

The best way to overcome Xanax addiction is to prevent it in the first place. Use Xanax (or other benzo) for a short period of time. Make appropriate lifestyle changes to address the sources of anxiety. Then, phase out the Xanax. It’s always easier to prevent an addiction than it is to react to one. That said, below you will find some practical strategies to overcome benzo addiction.


Quitting benzos cold turkey is not advisable. Doing so can cause one to slip into benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome (BWS). BWS symptoms can cripple one’s life. And as mentioned above, BWS can be fatal.

A key method for avoiding BWS is tapering. Rather than simply quitting, tapering slowly decreases one’s dose. Tapering slightly lowers one’s BZD dosage over an extended period of time. This allows the body to acclimate itself to a lower dose, without producing withdrawal symptoms.

Use Different Medications

Several benzo alternatives exist. They do not produce effects as immediately as benzos. Rather, some of these meds build up gradually in one’s body. For example, most selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) need several weeks to help combat anxiety. The advantage to this is that they are less habit-forming than benzos.

Alternatives to benzos include:

Treatment Options Without Drugs

Medications can become invaluable to recovery. But, they are only one tool. We must not rely too heavily on medications to help us. Other methods for dealing with Xanax addiction will also help us. Therapy helps people become conscious of underlying problems. Once they have this awareness, they can begin making changes to their internal lives.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) helps us develop and integrate our thoughts. We learn to practice mindful awareness of what we think. Next, we learn how to make progress in spite of stress. Then, we acquaint ourselves with healthy emotional patterns. Finally, we become fluent in articulating our emotions.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) has also shown effective in treating benzo addiction. CBT helps us to audit our own thoughts. Rather than taking them for granted, we question and evaluate them for truth. This keeps our thoughts from asserting control over us.

Speak With Your Treatment Provider

DBT and CBT are only two examples of nonmedicinal treatment options for Xanax addiction. Speak with your treatment provider to find out more.

How To Get Help For Types Of Drugs Like Xanax

Xanax, and other types of benzodiazepines, have a high potential for addiction. If you or someone you love struggles with benzodiazepine addiction, call or contact Harmony Stuart today.

5 Methods Used in Mental Health Treatment

mental health treatment

5 Methods Used in Mental Health Treatment

Millions of people struggle with mental health issues. Some reasons why people may need mental health treatment are PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder and depression. Unfortunately, many people struggle with these issues in silence.

When the problems add up, people may turn to alcohol or drugs. These substances amplify mental health issues. Then, the person using drugs or drinking alcohol may do so even more. The cycle is vicious and can be challenging to overcome. However, there are 5 methods used in mental health treatment that can help a great deal.

Brainspotting in Mental Health Treatment

Brainspotting is a method that has to do with the eyes and brain. If you struggle with trauma issues, this is a mental health treatment that might work for you.

Research shows the way a person positions their eyes affects how they feel. In brainspotting therapy sessions, the trained therapist will guide you through the negative emotions that you are holding. Over time, you can release these emotions and let go of what is holding you back. You will also replace negative emotions with positive ones.

Have you been holding onto overwhelming, fearful, or painful events from your past? If so, these could be causing you a lot of stress and anxiety. They could even be causing depression. The good news is that you can enroll in brainspotting therapy to help overcome negative emotions and mental health issues.

Neurofeedback Therapy

A mental health treatment that is great for trauma-informed care is neurofeedback therapy. Therapists also use it for OCD, ADHD and bipolar disorder.

Neurofeedback therapy focuses on brain waves. If a person’s brain waves are causing inappropriate reactions, this type of therapy can be beneficial.

Many therapists use this method. During these sessions, you will be on a machine. The machine will read brainwaves through a computer software program. From there, the therapist can analyze the results. The software can send messages back to the brain when reactions need a reset, as well. The most common reason for this is when someone has severe anxiety in response to minimal stimuli.

If this sounds like a method for mental health treatment you might need, reach out today.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS is one of the 5 methods used in mental health treatment. It is a safe, non-invasive method for relieving mental health symptoms. Many therapists use it with their patients who have depression.

Many mental health programs offer this type of treatment. Professionals do this process in a machine that is similar to an MRI machine. There is a coil that will transmit magnetic pulses into your skull and brain. The areas that receive these pulses control your mood.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation sessions last an hour on average. Most patients that receive this treatment have noticeable improvements in their mental health.

Hypnotherapy Sessions

You may have heard of hypnotherapy. For years, hypnotherapy has helped people quit smoking, lose weight and change other damaging habits. Nowadays, people are using this method to relieve mental health symptoms, too.

Some people have fears regarding hypnotherapy. However, it is a very safe treatment. Getting hypnotherapy along with other mental health treatments can be highly effective.

When you receive hypnotherapy services, the therapist can put you in a heightened state. In this state, you will have better self-awareness and focus. If you struggle with depression, anxiety, obsessive behaviors or addictions, these sessions can help you become more aware of the problem.

After the sessions, most people change their negative habits and start getting the help they need.

Dialectal Behavior Therapy

Dialectal behavioral therapy is another mental health treatment you can receive. DBT is treatment therapists commonly use to help people change negative habits and behaviors.

During your DBT sessions, you will learn to identify your negative patterns and habits. The therapist will work with you to replace those patterns with positive ones. Many people who are self-destructive benefit greatly from dialectal behavior therapy.

If you have an addiction or have other self-destructive behaviors, this may be something you want to check out.

Getting the Mental Health Treatment You Need

There are different mental health treatments for everyone. Some people will receive one of these services and others might receive many of them.

Do you struggle with PTSD, anxiety, depression, self-destructive behaviors or other mental health issues? If so, it would be a good idea to reach out to enroll in one of the top 5 methods used in mental health treatment.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder? 

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Nearly everyone will face anxiety in their life, it’s a normal part of being human. But what happens when it takes over your days? For people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, their experience can include debilitating mental and emotional effects and even physical symptoms.

The Difference Between Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Feeling Anxious

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) goes beyond feeling anxious. Many describe it as not only feeling worried but worrying about everything all the time. GAD can cause people to become so fixated on different worries and concerns that they are unable to focus on anything else. These feelings are so severe and excessive that they can impact the person’s day-to-day life and interfere with regular activities that most people do without thinking. 

GAD will demonstrate various symptoms that a person can watch out for. 

Symptoms of GAD can include: 
  • Fixating or obsessing over small or large concerns that are likely out of proportion to the event itself 
  • Inability to let go of a worry or concern
  • Excessive worrying
  • Inability to relax, feeling restless or on edge
  • Feeling distress over basic decision making for fear of making the wrong choice
  • Difficulty coping with uncertainty or indecisiveness
  • Mentally carrying every possible outcome of a decision or situation to its possible negative conclusion

People with GAD also often can experience physical symptoms associated with their disorder.

Physical symptoms can include: 
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Being easily startled
  • Irritability
  • Muscle tension
  • Trembling or feeling twitchy
  • Nausea, diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome
  • Memory problems
  • Headaches

It’s important to note that Generalized Anxiety Disorder is not the same as Panic Disorder, in which people experience recurring, unexpected and severe panic attacks.


Only a doctor can properly address and diagnose Generalized Anxiety Disorder. If you feel you are experiencing anxiety symptoms, make an appointment with your General Practitioner. It is helpful to mention that your appointment is about mental health assessment so they are aware in advance. 

Your doctor will ask a variety of questions related to your anxiety. From here, he or she can gain a better understanding of the types of anxiety you are experiencing. Depending on your symptoms and situation, they may refer you to a psychiatrist in order to obtain a more accurate diagnosis. 


If you suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, know that there are great treatment options available to help mitigate your symptoms. There are a wide variety of medications available to help with GAD such as Zoloft, Prozac, Buspirone, and many others. If you prefer alternatives to medication, supportive therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help. This type of therapy can help a patient examine negative thought patterns and introduce coping skills to slow the anxiety spirals typically associated with GAD.

Furthermore, experts suggest lifestyle changes to support GAD symptom reduction. These include healthy eating, physical activity, meditation, reducing caffeine intake, as well as avoiding recreational drugs and alcohol. 

When Generalized Anxiety Disorder leads to Substance Abuse and Addiction

The debilitating symptoms associated with GAD often lead people to self-medicate in order to escape their constant feelings of worry and fear. As such, it is a common Co-occurring Disorder seen with substance abuse and addiction. However, it’s important to note that substances like alcohol and drugs do not address the root cause of the problem. Often people who self-medicate have not sought medical attention for their condition and self-medicating rarely achieves the effect sufferers desire. Not only that but it leads to a whole host of other problems in the form of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and addiction. 

Co-Occurring Disorders create a vicious cycle unless treated holistically. Treatment for only addiction means the underlying reason for using has not been addressed, and when the person still feels the perpetual anxiety after treatment, they are likely to relapse and go back to using. Similarly, if only the anxiety is treated, the person is still suffering from addiction. Addiction typically fuels mental health disorders and can exacerbate the underlying mental health issues. Thus, comprehensive mental health and addiction treatment, usually in an established treatment center, are necessary to address the root cause and ensure the best chance for long-term recovery. 

Getting Help 

If you are struggling with substance use or addiction of any kind and are in need of help, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Harmony Recovery Group specialize in treating substance use disorder, addiction and co-occurring disorders to help you achieve the life you deserve to live. Contact us anytime, we are here to help.