Signs Of Opiate Abuse

How Long Does Opiate Withdrawal Last | Harmony Treatment and Wellness Center

Signs of Opiate Abuse – Opiates are a sub-class in the opioid drug class. Opioids are prescribed for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. When taken as directed by a physician, opioids are a remarkably useful and indispensable facet of modern medicine. Nonetheless, because opioids also alter the effects of dopamine in the brain, they have proven to be exceptionally addictive and have a very high likelihood of being abused.

The term “opiates” technically refers to natural or only slightly modified opioids, as opposed to other fully synthetic substances in the drug class. For the purposes of this article, the distinction is unimportant, so both “opiates” and “opioids” will be used interchangeably to refer to all drugs in the opioid class.

Examples of opioid drugs include the following:

  • Opium
  • Codeine
  • Methadone (Methadose)
  • Buprenorphine (Subutex)
  • Hydrocodone (Hycodan, Vicodin, Norco)
  • Morphine (Kadian, MS Contin)
  • Oxycodone (Percocet, OxyContin)
  • Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)
  • Heroin (diamorphine)
  • Fentanyl (Duragesic, Fentora)

What is Substance Abuse?

Substance abuse occurs when the substance is used in any way other than as directed by the prescribing physician, such as taking it more often or in higher doses than prescribed, taking drugs without a prescription, or combining multiple drugs.

Most substances that people regularly abuse are incredibly potent, which is why they require a prescription and oversight by a medical professional. When abused, otherwise beneficial drugs can lead one into a life-altering addiction that proves nearly unconquerable without outside intervention.

Oftentimes, the longer an addiction goes unbridled, the harder it is to surmount. If you suspect that a loved one is struggling with an addiction, it’s crucial to act swiftly, before they suffer irreversible damage. However, it is impossible to help your loved one without being able to recognize the warning signs of opiate abuse, and early detection is vital.

Common signs of opiate abuse include the following:

  • Needle punctures, known as “track marks,” on their arms and legs from intravenous injections
  • Very small, “pinpoint” pupils
  • Extreme sleepiness or trouble staying awake, often at inappropriate times
  • Flushed and itchy skin
  • Withdrawal from social situations or activities once enjoyed
  • Emotional volatility or out of character mood swings
  • Impulsivity and poor decision-making
  • Risky behavior, such as driving while high
  • Visiting multiple different physicians to acquire more opiates
  • Theft, even from loved ones, to purchase more opiates

Once it becomes evident that an individual is struggling with an out of control cycle of opiate abuse or addiction, it’s critical to seek out help as soon as possible. Sometimes a person can escape cycles of abuse just by speaking with their doctor and adjusting their prescription. Others might want to consider attending a substance abuse treatment program or seeing a substance abuse counselor.

Unfortunately, because the effects of opioids are so powerful, most people struggling with a full-blown opiate addiction will need intensive, monitored support at an inpatient rehab center.

Short-Term Side Effects of Opiates

Short-term side effects of opiates depend on the specific drug, how much of it was consumed, and the route of administration. Most of these drugs have effects that occur within 15 minutes to a half hour and can last a couple of hours or even a day.

Immediate or short-term side effects of opiate use include the following:

  • Slowed and shallow breathing
  • Flushed, itchy skin
  • Euphoria
  • Lightheadedness
  • Impaired judgment
  • Slurred speech
  • Blurred vision
  • Constipation
  • Hallucinations
  • Nausea and vomiting

Long-Term Side Effects of Opiates

Schedule II Drugs | Harmony Treatment and Wellness Center

Among the most damaging long-term side effects of opioid abuse is the harm it does to the body’s vital organs. People may also suffer from psychiatric conditions, such as anxiety and depression.

Other long-term side effects of these drugs include the following:

  • Vein damage from intravenous drug use
  • Emotional instability and moodiness
  • Severe constipation
  • Lack of concentration
  • Insomnia and other sleep disturbances
  • Liver damage

The Dangers of Opioids

Opioids are found in several different forms and can be administered in a number of ways. Frequently these drugs are prescribed as oral capsules or tablets. While most people obtain a legitimate prescription from their doctor, some pilfer drugs from family members or friends. Using a narcotic that is not prescribed to you is considered abuse, however, and is illegal.

Still, others use street drugs such as heroin and illicit fentanyl, which are often less expensive and easier to procure. Heroin is unregulated and is usually cut with other substances that increase its potential for harm. Fentanyl, a far more potent opioid is one of these substances and is currently involved in thousands of deaths in the U.S. each year.

A person suffering from an addiction to painkillers may experiment with various methods of delivery to achieve the high with the greatest intensity possible. Tablets can be crushed into a powder and then snorted, or powder can be dissolved in liquid and used intravenously.

Snorting or injecting opiates results in a near-instantaneous “rush” that is much more intense than taking a pill orally. However, this means of administration also increases the risk of life-threatening CNS depression and overdose.

These drugs are even more dangerous when combined with other central nervous system depressants, such as benzodiazepines or alcohol, and can exponentially increase the risk of serious complications that can lead to death.

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is another serious health risk and may occur when someone who is pregnant suffers from a substance abuse disorder involving opiates.

These drugs can pass through the placenta, and cause the baby to develop a dependence on the drug while in utero. After birth, the infant may need to remain in the hospital for several weeks while the drug slowly clears from their system.

Identifying an Opiate Addiction

Recognizing an opiate addiction can be challenging due to the confusion that exists between what is considered misuse, abuse, and addiction. Most people who use painkillers in the short-term and as directed will not become addicted. However, a person who misuses drugs in large amounts or over prolonged periods is more likely to develop an addiction.

The defining characteristic of addiction is an intense urge to obtain and use the substance despite adverse consequences that will likely occur. A person in the throes of addiction is not capable of controlling their substance use – and while they may desperately want to quit, they feel helpless to do so on their own.

In addition to dangerous health risks, opiate abuse can also interfere with one’s personal life and close relationships with family and friends.

The consequences of opiate abuse/misuse may include the following:

  • Job loss due to prioritizing substance use over work duties and responsibilities
  • Financial problems caused by excessive spending on new prescriptions or illicit drugs
  • Criminal charges for the illegal possession of painkillers
  • Strained relationships with family members, friends, and significant others

Staging an Intervention

When a person is suffering from a substance use disorder, those close to them may consider staging an intervention. Interventions are pre-planned conversations between the person experiencing addiction and their loved ones.

They are often held after the issue has been addressed with the person, who then subsequently denied having a problem or refused to seek help. The objective of an intervention is to convince and help the person to seek and receive treatment.

Because addiction subjugates the brain’s sense of awareness and judgment, the person often does not realize the extent to which their actions have impacted their loved ones.

Some families choose to stage an intervention when their loved one shows early signs of abusive behavior toward substances. Others may only feel it is necessary when a person’s addiction has scaled beyond control, and many negative consequences have already occurred.

Regardless of when an intervention takes place, most experts advise seeking guidance from an intervention specialist who will be able to oversee the intervention and ensure the conversation remains healthy and productive and free of shame and blame.

Signs of Opiate Abuse: Opiate Withdrawal Help

Beating an addiction to painkillers may be challenging, but is entirely possible. Participation in a detox program is often the first step in the recovery process, as this helps minimize withdrawal symptoms and ensures patients are safe, comfortable, and unable to relapse. Moreover, detox programs produce a solid foundation for people to pursue further therapeutic services in an inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment program.

You CAN reclaim your life, free from drugs and the feelings of hopelessness that addiction promotes. If you or a loved one is struggling with the decision to seek help, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss your options and begin your journey to a happier and healthier life!

Dangers of Mixing Tramadol and Alcohol

Tramadol and Alcohol Dangers | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Whether you are an occasional drinker or one who regularly imbibes and has “one too many,” it is critical to understand that certain medications can adversely interact with alcohol. If you have been prescribed tramadol (Ultram), you were likely already informed by medical personnel that drinking while using this medication is risky and ill-advised.

So, what precisely are the potential risks of combining tramadol and alcohol? What should you do if you’re struggling with an addiction to tramadol or alcoholism?

Whether it’s prescription drugs or alcohol, it’s essential to use these substances responsibly and only as directed. Engaging in actions others than those prescribed by a physician can lead to chronic abuse, addiction, health complications, and overdose.

What Is Tramadol?

Tramadol is a synthetic opioid agonist that is prescribed to treat various degrees of pain. This function is due to its action on the body that induces pain-relieving effects by altering pain perception. Some people use tramadol mostly on an as-needed basis for pain, while others may be prescribed to use it on a regular basis for chronic conditions.

Although tramadol is believed to have a lower potential for addiction than many other opioids, it can be habit-forming and result in a variety of adverse side effects. For this reason, it is currently classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as a schedule IV substance.

Side Effects of Mixing Tramadol and Alcohol

Most prescription medications come with the potential for certain side effects, especially if abused. Both tramadol and alcohol act on the central nervous system (CNS) to reduce activity and, therefore, have sedating effects.

When used at the same time, the effects of these drugs can be compounded, meaning that each substance amplifies the effects of the other. Their combined impact can result in profound CNS depression, overdose, and even death. Please note that the effects of combining tramadol and alcohol are far greater than each substance’s individual effects.

Side effects of tramadol abuse include the following:

  • Slowed breathing
  • Slowed pulse
  • Heart palpitations
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Impaired cognition

Side effects of alcohol abuse include the following:

  • Impaired memory
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Blacking out
  • High blood pressure

Tramadol and Alcohol Dangers | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

There are many reasons why a person would decide to mix drugs and alcohol. One of the most obvious reasons is to induce feelings of being “high” or euphoria. Another would be for self-medication purposes. That is, someone with chronic pain or mental illness may turn to drugs or alcohol in an attempt to relieve physical or emotional pain or both.

When a person becomes addicted to one substance, that person may be more likely to use other substances at the risk of also becoming dependent on it, as well. The following are some of the hazards combining tramadol and alcohol:

  • Combining tramadol and alcohol can increase the chances of experiencing an overdose on either substance.
  • Both substances are CNS depressants, which means they work to slow brain function, either when used alone or when combined.
  • Mixing tramadol and alcohol can cause or exacerbate depression, which may, in turn, result in suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

Other Side Effects of Mixing Tramadol and Alcohol

Most people encounter the following side effects as a result of using tramadol in combination with alcohol:

  • Vertigo
  • Seizures
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Intracranial pressure
  • Liver disease
  • Impaired kidney function
  • Eccentric behavior
  • Impaired memory
  • Lethargy
  • Impaired coordination
  • Shallow/irregular breathing
  • Loss of consciousness

After using tramadol, many patients observe that the effect of alcohol is amplified, even after consuming just a small amount. This compounded effect is why tramadol comes with a warning label indicating that those who are under the influence of alcohol should not use it until their body is clear of alcohol.

It is crucial to understand that both tramadol and alcohol can cause profound respiratory depression. This condition is life-threatening, and it is hallmarked by difficult, slow, and shallow breathing. In short, the combination of tramadol and alcohol can cause various health problems, some of which can be fatal.

Tramadol Overdose Symptoms

Drinking alcohol while on tramadol has been found to potentially be detrimental to one’s health, and even life-threatening. An overdose of tramadol is considered to be a medical emergency. If you or someone you know is experiencing the following symptoms, please call 911 immediately:

  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Cold, clammy or bluish skin
  • Dizziness when standing
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Heart palpitations
  • Slow pulse
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Respiratory depression
  • Unconsciousness or coma

Recognizing tramadol overdose symptoms is vital in life-threatening situations. Any overdose in which respiration is impaired has the potential to cause death or produce irreversible brain damage. Brain damage may occur if oxygenated blood is unavailable for too long.

Alcohol Overdose Symptoms

Tramadol and Alcohol Dangers | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

An alcohol overdose, which is otherwise referred to as alcohol poisoning, may cause many of the same symptoms of an opioid overdose. These symptoms may include the following:

  • Confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Slow breathing
  • Irregular breathing
  • Bluish or pale skin
  • Low body temperature
  • Passing out
  • Unresponsiveness

As with an opioid overdose, alcohol poisoning is usually life-threatening, and 911 should be contacted as soon as possible to avoid the worst complications. Keep in mind that if a person has used tramadol and alcohol, he or she could be overdosing on one or the other, or both. It is critical to know what substances he or she has used because opioid overdose treatment is different for that of alcohol poisoning.

Withdrawal Symptoms

When a person becomes physically dependent on a substance, they will inevitably encounter withdrawal symptoms when they abruptly stop using it. In severe cases of alcoholism, withdrawal can be extremely dangerous, and the person will experience seizures and psychosis—a condition known as delirium tremens. For this reason, a professional clinical detox is strongly recommended by most medical providers.

Although withdrawal from opioids such as tramadol is not typically life-threatening, it can be highly unpleasant and painful. Nausea, diarrhea and flu-like symptoms may onset and compel the person to relapse in order to avoid this process. Whether a person is addicted to alcohol, tramadol, or both, they should be supervised by medical personnel to ensure their safety and comfort during the detox phase.

Treatment for Tramadol and Alcohol

You may be reading this as a person who has been misusing tramadol and alcohol and is hoping to find help. Or, you may be a loved one who is concerned for the health and well-being of a friend or family member and are trying to determine what options are available for treatment.

Harmony Treatment and Wellness offers help and hope for those who are motivated to break free from the cycle of addiction and reclaim their lives. We accomplish this through the use of a comprehensive approach that includes evidence-based services that are clinically proven to increase the likelihood of a successful recovery, such as the following:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Individual/group counseling
  • Peer group support
  • Health and wellness programs
  • Substance abuse education
  • Art and music therapy
  • Adventure therapy
  • Bio-feedback therapy
  • Aftercare planning

Contact us today to speak with a treatment specialist who can discuss your options with you or your loved one. We are dedicated to providing our clients with all the tools they need to succeed at recovery and enjoy the healthy, satisfying lives they deserve!

How Long Does Kratom Stay In Your System?

How Long Does Kratom Stay In Your System? | Harmony Stuart

How Long Does Kratom Stay In Your System? – Kratom is a tropical plant known as Mitragyna speciosa, native to Southeast Asia. It can be identified in a person’s system as long as nine days, depending on the type of drug test conducted. For those struggling with kratom addiction, specialized treatment programs are available.

Kratom leaves have relatively mild psychotropic effects, and people can consume them as powder-filled capsules or as brewed in a tea.

A person may be concerned about kratom’s presence in their system for many reasons. For one, this drug can cause withdrawal symptoms, so those trying to stop using it may want to predict how long it will be until it is out of their system. Others may be worried about kratom detection on a forthcoming drug test.

Kratom is not usually included in a standard five-panel drug screen. However, some recently developed tests can identify the presence of kratom in a person’s system. Also, the metabolites of this drug can sometimes be flagged as a different substance.

As noted, the detection window for kratom can be up to nine days, depending on the typical frequency of dosage. Those that use excessive amounts of kratom will probably have evidence of the drug in their system longer than a person who uses kratom only occasionally.

Kratom Metabolization

The primary active ingredient in kratom is mitragynine. Once in the body, the liver breaks mitragynine down into other metabolites.

Kratom has a half-life of around 23 hours, meaning that, after the time, the body will have eliminated about half of the kratom dose. The other half remains in a person’s body for a bit longer.

The exact metabolization process of kratom is not clear, as most studies have been performed using animals. However, research demonstrates that the drug itself is not transferred through the body. Instead, it is broken down into byproducts during the process of metabolism.

Levels of mitragynine usually peak in the body after about 90 minutes after use. If a person consumes a relatively low dose of kratom, they may feel a stimulating effect comparable to caffeine.

If a person uses a higher dose, they will encounter more sedating opioid-like effects. These could include itchiness, nausea, or an overall sense of well-being.

Kratom can be found in a person’s system long after they no longer feel the drug’s effects. The duration of time that kratom can be identified in a person’s system depends on several factors, especially the type of test administered.

Urinalysis and Blood Testing

Urine tests can detect traces of mitragynine for up to nine days. Of note, a urinalysis is the most frequently used drug screening conducted by employers and the justice system.

Blood tests are rarer, but they do occur. They can identify traces of mitragynine in a person’s blood for several days.

How Long Does Kratom Stay In Your System? | Harmony Stuart

Factors That Affect How Kratom Is Broken Down

As with most drugs, there are additional factors that influence how long a drug will remain in a person’s system. In addition to a person’s unique biology, the time that kratom remains in a person’s system is based on other individual factors such as age, weight, and diet.

  • Age

Older people tend to encounter longer elimination times, mostly due to a slower rate of metabolism. The faster a person’s metabolism, the more rapidly their body will rid itself of toxins. For this reason, younger individuals may experience a shorter detection window.

  • Body Mass Index (BMI)

Like marijuana, mitragynine is fat-soluble, meaning that it is stored in fatty tissues. As such, a person with a higher body fat concentration may retain kratom metabolites for a more prolonged period than those who are leaner.

  • Diet

Using kratom on an empty stomach could lead to a shorter detection window, as opposed to using the drug with a meal high in fat. Moreover, a person’s level of hydration may also be a factor in detection time. The more water someone drinks, the more rapidly their body purges itself of traces of mitragynine.

Kratom Abuse and Addiction

Because large doses of kratom can induce opioid-like effects, this drug is considered to have the potential for abuse. In certain doses, kratom can result in intense feelings of calm and pleasure.

Tolerance is also possible, and a person may need to increase their dosage to continue experiencing the same effects. Increasing usage and tolerance can rapidly progress into dependence and addiction.

Kratom has been touted as a way to treat chronic pain or help people detox from the use of actual opioids by reducing withdrawal symptoms. This effect occurs because kratom binds to some of the same receptors in the brain as opioid painkillers. Unfortunately, it’s also been linked to dangerous side effects, abuse, and addiction.

Side effects of kratom may include the following:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Itching
  • Constipation
  • Increased urination
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Lack of appetite
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations

Treatment for Kratom Addiction

If you or someone you care about is struggling with kratom abuse or addiction, please understand that this can be a serious condition and that professional treatment is available.

Harmony Treatment and Wellness offers integrated programs designed to meet the unique needs of our clients in both partial hospitalization and outpatient formats. Using evidence-based services, such as behavioral therapy, we provide medical care and support to those who are unable to quit abusing substances on their own.

Choosing where to go is an important step in your recovery. At Harmony Treatment and Wellness Center, we give you the tools you need to defeat your addiction and have an experience you’ll never forget.

If you’re ready for that day to be today, call us now:


How Long Does Oxycodone Last?

How Long Does Oxycodone Last? | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

How Long Does Oxycodone Last? – Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic opioid that is prescribed by doctors and, in some cases, abused for recreational reasons. The presence of oxycodone can be identified in a person’s system for 3-4 days by way of urine analysis, about 24 hours using a blood test, between 1-4 days using a saliva test, and up to 90 days with a hair test.

The half-life of oxycodone is between 3.5-5.5 hours—this is the time required for half of the drug to be purged from the body. Despite taking just one day for the body to eliminate oxycodone, the process of breaking down the active ingredients produces by-products called metabolites, which can be identified through testing.

The duration of time oxycodone stays in a person’s system can be influenced by several factors, including the following:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Height and weight
  • Body fat percentage
  • Body mass index
  • Presence of food in GI tract
  • Kidney function
  • Liver function
  • Dosage consumed
  • Duration of usage
  • Presence of other substances

Oxycodone Facts

As a prescription drug, oxycodone is used to treat short-term moderate to severe pain, such as that which is related to trauma, injury, or surgery. It is also sometimes used for the treatment of chronic pain related to cancer or palliative care.

Oxycodone may be used by itself (e.g., OxyContin) or in combination with another medication, such as acetaminophen (e.g., Percocet). Oxycodone can be administered by capsule, tablet, liquid solution, suppository, and, when abused, by snorting or injecting.

How Oxycodone Works

Opioids increase the production of endorphins, an action that helps to reduce a person’s perception of pain. In addition to the analgesic effect, endorphins inhibit the production of GABA. GABA is a neurochemical that represses the production of dopamine. Therefore, opioids, in turn, also increase dopamine levels in the brain, which induces feelings of pleasure and euphoria. Unfortunately, these desirable effects can prompt users to become dependent on and eventually addicted to opioids.

Oxycodone Abuse and Addiction

Compared to other opioids, oxycodone is only moderately potent but still comes with a high potential for abuse. Oxycodone abuse may not be immediately recognizable because it can be legally obtained by prescription and isn’t often associated with drug paraphernalia.

For this reason, it is crucial to be able to identify the immediate effects of oxycodone, which may include the following:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Apathy
  • Drowsiness
  • Decreased attention span
  • Slowed or labored breathing
  • Flushed appearance

Oxycodone has numerous therapeutic medical applications that continue to help many people. Still, over the years, the hazards associated with its abuse have become increasingly obvious. The euphoria caused by oxycodone often compels repeated use, which in turn increases the likelihood the user will develop a dependence. And as with other opioids, oxycodone dependence develops rather rapidly, contributing to its potential for abuse and addiction.

Oxycodone Side Effects

How Long Does Oxycodone Last? | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Side effects of short-term oxycodone abuse include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or faintness
  • Tiredness
  • Confusion
  • Poor concentration
  • Restlessness
  • Blurred vision
  • Stiff muscles
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Stomach ache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Excessive sweating
  • Slurred speech
  • Difficulty walking
  • Poor motor coordination
  • Itchy skin/mild allergic rash
  • Vivid dreams
  • Seizures
  • Low blood pressure
  • Respiratory depression

Side effects of long-term oxycodone abuse include:

  • Vein damage or scarring
  • Infections
  • Blood clots
  • Chronic aches and cramps
  • Reduced libido
  • Menstrual irregularity
  • Severe constipation
  • Insomnia
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Dental problems
  • Swollen limbs
  • Heart failure

Oxycodone Overdose

Perhaps the most terrifying threat associated with oxycodone is its high potential for overdose. Oxycodone, like other opioids, is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant. For this reason, abuse can lead to seizures, cardiac arrest, coma, and death. Unfortunate outcomes such as these are especially likely if the oxycodone is used in conjunction with other substances, or if the tablets are crushed and snorted or liquified and injected.

Warning signs of an oxycodone overdose include the following:

  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Stopped or labored breathing
  • Widened or pinpoint pupils
  • Cold or clammy skin
  • Bluing of the lips and fingers
  • Uncontrollable vomiting
  • Choking, gurgling sounds
  • Extreme confusion
  • Impaired motor skills
  • Slurred speech
  • Limpness
  • Very low blood pressure
  • Dangerously slow heart rate
  • Fainting or unconsciousness
  • Unresponsiveness or stupor
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Death

Getting Help for Oxycodone Addiction

Addiction to oxycodone is a severe and life-threatening disorder, and those who are suffering are urged to seek professional help immediately. Patients usually begin treatment with the help of addiction specialists who develop a customized plan. Treatment typically involves the use of several evidence-based services, including psychotherapy, counseling, aftercare support, medication-assisted treatment, and more.

If you or a loved one suffers from an addiction to oxycodone, contact us today! Call now and speak to our caring addiction specialists who are dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive all the resources and support they need.

Our comprehensive treatment programs are custom-tailored to help people overcome addiction and begin to experience the healthy and fulfilling lives they deserve!

How Long Does Morphine Stay in Your System?

How Long Does Morphine Stay in Your System? | Harmony Treatment

Morphine is a rapid-acting drug, with effects that last between 4-6 hours. The drug is eliminated from the blood in about 15 hours, but some drug tests can detect morphine for a much more extended period.

Morphine can be detected in the body by the following standard tests:

  • Urine test: 1 to 3 days
  • Saliva test: Between 24-36 hours
  • Hair test: Up to 90 days

It can take up to three days after use for the body to completely eliminate morphine. After three days, the drug cannot be detected in saliva or urine. Hair follicle tests may be able to identify the drug for as long as 90 days, but neither would-be employers or rehab centers commonly use these.

Rehabs sometimes use drug tests to motivate clients to remain sober. Inpatient programs also use the tests to make sure their residents haven’t found a way to sneak drugs into the facility. If you know you have to take a drug test and you have found yourself unable to quit using, you may have a dependence on morphine.

Morphine Metabolism

Metabolism refers to how a substance is broken down inside the body. Morphine can be swallowed, snorted, or injected, but it cannot be absorbed through the skin.

The method of administration determines how rapidly morphine reaches the bloodstream. For example, when injected, peak levels of morphine collect in the blood within 20 minutes. However, it takes between 30-90 minutes for morphine to peak in the blood when the drug is consumed orally.

A person will also feel the effects of morphine more rapidly and intensely when it’s injected because the drug travels straight to the brain, without bypassing other systems that can slow this process down. When it’s consumed, morphine must first go through the liver, which then breaks down some of the morphine into other chemicals known as metabolites (e.g., hydromorphone).

Some metabolites leave the body in urine. The surviving morphine remains in the blood and travels to the brain where it induces pain relief, feelings of relaxation, and other various effects. The drug then progresses through the body until it enters the liver again. This cycle continues until all the morphine is completely cleared from the system.

Heroin and codeine are also converted to morphine in the body. Therefore, a positive drug test for morphine may indicate the use of morphine, codeine, or heroin.

Half-Life of Morphine

A substance’s “half-life” refers to the amount of time needed for half of a substance to be cleared from the blood. For instance, if a person injects 10 mg of morphine, the half-life is the amount of time it takes for the body to expel 5 mg.

The half-life of morphine typically falls somewhere between 2-3.5 hours. Half-life varies because some people break down morphine more rapidly than others.

Factors that affect how long morphine stays in the blood include the following:

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Liver function
  • Overall health
  • Gender
  • Diet and weight

A very small amount of morphine—only about 3% of the original dose—will remain in the blood after five half-lives. Depending on multiple factors, morphine stays in the blood for between 10-15 hours. It can still be detected by tests, however, because it takes 1-3 days for the body to discharge the drug in urine.

Is Morphine Addictive?

Morphine is an opiate that is considered to have a relatively high potential for abuse and addiction. People who are addicted to opioids will likely encounter numerous mental, physical, and behavioral problems. They will begin to compulsively seek drugs despite the incurrence of negative health, legal, and social consequences of this behavior.

Therapeutic use of morphine isn’t necessarily associated with addiction, but misusing morphine increases a person’s risk. Some people abuse morphine to get high and experience feelings of relaxation and well-being.

Morphine also produces several short- and long-term side effects, including cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Even under a doctor’s direction, prolonged morphine use will result in dependence. People dependent on morphine encounter unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when they stop using the drug.

Side Effects of Morphine

How Long Does Morphine Stay in Your System? | Harmony Treatment

Morphine can produce severe side effects in high doses. When used as directed, morphine usually alleviates pain, coughing, and allows a person who would normally be suffering from these symptoms to rest and find relief.

Common side effects of morphine include the following:

  • Cramps
  • Constipation
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Weight loss
  • Itching

People who misuse morphine are more likely to experience dangerous side effects, especially those who use it in excessive doses or inject it. High doses of morphine can slow breathing to perilous levels, possibly resulting in hypoxic brain damage, coma, and death.

Other effects of morphine abuse include the following:

  • Constricted pupils
  • Poor response to stimuli
  • Fever
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased thirst
  • Swelling
  • Muscle pain and spasms
  • Poor coordination
  • Impaired cognition

Morphine remains in the system for multiple days, but the effects of the drug usually subside within just a few hours.

Morphine Withdrawal Timeline

The length of morphine withdrawal can depend on multiple factors, including the amount used, the frequency of use, and the method of administration. For example, people who inject morphine will experience a faster and more intense high than those who swallow it orally. Therefore, these individuals are also more likely to encounter a rapid and severe withdrawal.

Morphine withdrawal timeline:

  • Short-term side effects subside after about 4-5 hours
  • Early withdrawal symptoms onset within 8-12 hours
  • Symptoms peak 36-72 hours after the last use
  • Symptoms fade after 7-10 days

The length of withdrawal time also depends on how a person stops using the drug. If the dosage is slowly reduced or tapered, less severe symptoms will be experienced, but the time spent in withdrawal will also be longer.

If a person quits abruptly, or “cold turkey,” he or she will likely experience intense symptoms, but they won’t persist for as long. Opioid replacement therapy involving medications such as buprenorphine can help people discontinue morphine use without experiencing severe withdrawals symptoms.

Morphine Withdrawal Symptoms

How Long Does Morphine Stay in Your System? | Harmony Treatment

Symptoms of morphine withdrawal include:

  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Goosebumps
  • Yawning
  • Irritability
  • Hot flash
  • Cramping
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia

Suffering through a morphine withdrawal is unnecessary and may not be entirely safe. Many rehab facilities have detox services that can reduce the amount of discomfort induced by withdrawal.


Seek emergency help immediately if any of the following symptoms occur:

  • Constricted pupils
  • Decreased awareness
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Fever
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased thirst
  • Lower back or side pain


  • Muscle cramps and spasms
  • Muscle stiffness
  • No muscle tone or movement
  • Swollen face, fingers, or legs

Recovery from Morphine Addiction

Recovering from morphine addiction requires comprehensive addiction treatment. Harmony Treatment and Wellness offers programs in both partial-hospitalization and outpatient formats and provides medication-assisted therapies clinically shown to relieve withdrawal symptom and reduce cravings associated with opioids.

We employ skilled addiction professionals who facilitate a variety of services, including psychotherapy, counseling, and aftercare planning. We are dedicated to ensuring that each client is provided the resources, tools, and support they need to achieve abstinence and foster a new, healthier, more fulfilling life, free from substance abuse.

Morphine addiction is a chronic and potentially life-threatening disease that can cause devastating mental and physical side effects. But, recovery is certainly possible with the proper treatment, personal motivation, and effort.

If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to morphine, other drugs, or alcohol, contact us as soon as possible. Discover how we help those who need it most break free from the chains of addiction for life!

Percocet Effects of Abuse and Addiction

Percocet Effects of Abuse | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Percocet is a prescription drug that consists of a combination of the over-the-counter pain reliever acetaminophen and the painkiller oxycodone. Although millions of prescriptions for this drug are written each year, it’s highly addictive and chemically similar to heroin and other opioids.

Percocet addiction is characterized by the continual abuse of the substance despite negative consequences, such as loss of a job or chronic health problems.

Signs of Percocet Abuse and Addiction

If you suspect that someone you know is abusing Percocet, common signs to look for include the following:

  • Changes in personality, mood, behavior, goals, or priorities
  • Secretive, deceptive behavior
  • An increase in physical or mental health problems
  • Changes in friendships or social groups
  • Neglect of important responsibilities such as work and family

Common side effects of Percocet abuse may include the following:

  • Deteriorating mental health
  • Brain damage
  • Nightmares and insomnia
  • Excessive drowsiness
  • Lack of motivation
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Noticeable weight loss or gain
  • Frequent infections
  • Use of other opioids
  • Seizures
  • Organ failure (e.g., liver)
  • Overdose and death

While the opioid oxycodone in Percocet is the substance that gets some users addicted, many people don’t realize that an overdose of acetaminophen can be life-threatening. Although oxycodone can be potentially lethal itself, it is actually much easier to overdose on acetaminophen, which is toxic to the liver in large doses. Many deaths due to an overdose of Percocet are related to acetaminophen and not the oxycodone.

For this reason, health care providers recommend limiting the use of acetaminophen to no more than 4000mg in 24 hours. This number may be easily disregarded, however, when a person begins taking multiple pills for their painkilling and euphoric effects above recommended doses.

Percocet Effects: Withdrawal Symptoms

Percocet addiction is also hallmarked by physiological dependence. If a person encounters withdrawal symptoms when they attempt to quit, this is a tell-tale sign that the person has become dependent.

Common Percocet effects of withdrawal include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Poor concentration
  • Mood swings
  • Inability to feel pleasure
  • Fatigue
  • Coughing
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Runny nose
  • Teary eyes
  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Muscle and body aches
  • Increased heart rate

Percocet Effects of Abuse | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Combining Percocet with Other Substances

Percocet effects of abuse are hazardous on their own, but when the drug is used in conjunction with other central nervous system depressant drugs or alcohol, abuse can prove fatal. When used in combination with alcohol, Percocet can stop the heart and depress respiration to critical levels, depriving the brain of oxygen.

Percocet Addiction: Who Is at Risk?

Risk factors for Percocet addiction may include the following:

  • History of trauma, neglect, or abuse, especially in childhood
  • Chronic stress
  • Physical or mental health problems
  • A family or personal history of drug or alcohol use
  • Extended use of Percocet, even with a prescription

Note: The presence of these risk factors does not necessarily indicate that a person will become an addict. Anyone using Percocet can become dependent, but recreational abusers do face a higher risk.

Addiction Treatment Options

Addiction is now widely considered to be a chronic disease, and there is no shame in seeking help if you feel you need it. Doing so can prevent more suffering and possibly even save your life.

It’s easy to feel helpless when you struggle with addiction, but this is a reflection of the nature of the disease and not reality. Treatment can be successful, and those who are in the throes of addiction have a wide range of treatment options from which to choose.

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment allows patients to reside at home while receiving recovery services. Schedules are flexible, and patients can often adjust the frequency and intensity of treatment sessions to meet their needs. Because patients are not required to live at a facility around-the-clock, they have free time to attend to important life responsibilities outside of the center, such as those related to family or work.

Partial-Hospitalization Programs

Compared to outpatient and even intensive outpatient programs, partial-hospitalization programs require a greater time commitment. Treatment is facilitated during the day, and patients often stay at the center for all or most of that time and return home only during the evenings.

Individual and Group Therapy

Psychotherapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), are often central to addiction treatment because they help people identify the factors that drive their addiction. Psychotherapy also teaches people how to develop healthier coping methods that don’t jeopardize their emotional and physical well-being.

Getting Help for Addiction

Percocet abuse and addiction can be devastating to a person’s physical health and emotional well-being. Opioid addiction is a severe health condition that often leads to many adverse consequences, including strained relationships, legal and financial problems, and premature death.

Harmony Treatment and Wellness specializes in the treatment of opioid abuse and addiction and employs comprehensive, evidence-based services essential to facilitating a long-term recovery, free from substance abuse.

If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to Percocet, other drugs, or alcohol, please contact us today to discuss treatment options!

Codeine Addiction

Codeine Addiction | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Codeine Addiction – Codeine is an opiate most commonly used as a cough suppressant and anti-diarrheal in prescription formulations such as Tylenol 3, but it’s also sometimes used to treat mild-moderate pain. Codeine is a naturally-occurring compound derived from the opium poppy. It has a lower potential for abuse and dependence than most other opiates and opioids, but recreational misuse and codeine addiction can occur.

Codeine Use Disorders

After codeine is consumed, it is broken down by the liver. The drug then begins to affects the brain’s reward and pleasure centers, inducing feelings of mild euphoria and well-being, among other effects.

As an opiate, developing an addiction as the result of abuse or long-term use of codeine is entirely possible. For this reason, codeine is only legally available in the U.S. by prescription. Legal restrictions on codeine are based on the concentration of the drug in a given product – cough syrups are classified as either Schedule III or V, depending on the formula.

Addiction to opioids can occur rapidly and be very difficult to surmount. Addiction is primarily characterized by the presence of tolerance, dependence, and compulsive drug-seeking behavior despite the incurrence of adverse consequences.

Tolerance is the result of the body’s propensity to diminish the effects of certain substances in response to repeated use. Unfortunately, the development of tolerance often compels users to consume more of the drug more often in an attempt to achieve the desired effects. This behavior can quickly accelerate the onset of dependence and codeine addiction.

Codeine Withdrawal

The body’s adaption to the presence of a certain substance is the hallmark of dependence. After this has occurred and the dependent person tries to quit using, the sudden absence of the substance sends the body into a destabilized state that produces unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, such as with complications involving alcohol or benzodiazepine use, these effects can become unusually severe and even life-threatening.

Common codeine withdrawal symptoms may include the following:

  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Appetite suppression
  • Muscle aches and pains

For many, these symptoms can feel like those of a terrible flu. For long-term, excessive users, however, the withdrawal experience can be much worse and require medical intervention and care. It’s best to consult a doctor or addiction specialist before trying to discontinue codeine if addiction is suspected.

Although opioid withdrawal is not usually life-threatening, it can lead to severe dehydration and may be too difficult to bear without professional help. Relapse can be particularly dangerous, as many individuals are unaware that even a short break from opioid use can result in a decrease in tolerance, and recommencing use at the same dose as before can precipitate an overdose.

Codeine Addiction | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Who Abuses Codeine?

A study published in Addictive Behaviors (2013) suggested that codeine is more likely to be abused by men, Native American and Hispanic persons, students from urban environments, and individuals in the LGBT community. This study focused on the southern culture in the United States around “Purple Drank,” also referred to as “Lean,” which are the region’s common street names for drinks containing codeine combined with soda, candy, or alcohol. The drug has been referenced a number of times in rap and hip hop music, and use has also been linked to certain professional athletes.

Young people appear to be more likely to seek out codeine specifically for recreational use. These are typically adolescents or young adults who have little or no experience with drug abuse and want to initiate with a substance they consider to be seemingly innocuous. Although codeine converts to morphine in the body, it’s only 8-12% as potent as pure morphine.

Other populations likely to abuse codeine are polydrug users, as codeine is commonly combined with cannabis or alcohol. Current users of more potent opioids such heroin may also seek out codeine as a sort of do-it-yourself opioid replacement therapy to relieve withdrawal symptoms.

Using a less intense opioid that results in some activation of the brain’s reward center can help reduce cravings and the physical symptoms of withdrawal. This practice is not safe, however, and a supervised medical detox is always recommended for heroin or prescription painkiller withdrawal.

Signs of Codeine Addiction

There are some hallmark signs associated with abuse of any opioid, but the most common side effect of drugs containing codeine is nausea. These symptoms may be more pronounced in those who abuse codeine frequently and for an extended period.

Other effects of codeine abuse include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Decreased appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Clammy hands or feet
  • Stomach pain
  • Constipation
  • Itchiness
  • Slowed breathing
  • Changes in vision

Over a prolonged period, codeine abuse increases the risk of lung infections, bowel damage, irregular heart rate, sleep disorders, and even brain damage. As a person becomes increasingly obsessed with obtaining and using codeine, relationships and responsibilities tend to suffer. The person may lose friendships and have difficulties with family members, and work or school performance can dramatically decline.

Furthermore, constant drowsiness and mood swings may make it nearly impossible to concentrate. The inability to feel pleasure, or anhedonia, is also a common symptom of opiate addiction that can persist long after use has been discontinued.


Codeine Addiction | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Although codeine is a mild opiate compared to others, overdose is still possible and can be fatal. Opiates and opioids depress the central nervous system, which regulates vital bodily functions such as heartbeat and the respiratory system.

Particularly when mixed with other opioids, benzodiazepines, or alcohol, codeine overdose can occur, which can cause breathing to be reduced to dangerous levels, thus impeding oxygen delivery to the brain. Once this occurs, rapid cell death will onset, and the affected individual can experience a coma, brain damage, and death. An opiate overdose is considered a medical emergency and 911 should be contacted immediately.

Symptoms of codeine overdose include the following:

  • Unconsciousness or coma
  • Slowed or stopped breathing
  • Cold, clammy skin
  • Low blood pressure
  • Weak pulse
  • Bluish lips or fingernails
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Intestinal spasms
  • Muscle twitches

In the case of an overdose, first responders will administer naloxone, an opioid antagonist medication that reverses the effects of other opioids. Naloxone halts the life-threatening symptoms of opioid overdose so that further treatment can begin.

Moreover, if the drug used contains acetaminophen in conjunction with codeine (e.g., Tylenol 3), in addition to respiratory depression there is also a significant risk of acute liver damage.

Treatment for Codeine Addiction

Harmony Treatment and Wellness offers an integrated approach to the treatment of codeine addiction. The basis for this approach is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which is an evidence-based strategy that seeks to address the underlying problems that contribute to addiction. CBT helps patients to confront and understand negative thoughts so that they can develop healthy behaviors and coping skills needed to deal with triggers and prevent relapse.

We also provide several other services essential to the recovery process, including individual, group, and family counseling, peer group support, health and wellness programs, and aftercare planning for the long-term support and maintenance of sobriety.

Please contact us as soon as possible if you or someone you love is abusing codeine, other prescription medications, illegal drugs, or alcohol. We are dedicated to helping people release themselves from the shackles of addiction so they can begin to enjoy the healthy and satisfying lives they deserve!

Oxycodone Addiction

Oxycodone Addiction | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Oxycodone is a potent prescription opioid commonly known as the brand names OxyContin and Percocet and is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. While most people who are prescribed oxycodone to manage their pain use the medication as directed, there are some who find the pleasant feelings it can induce very desirable and begin to misuse it.

Prescription medication misuse occurs when a person uses prescription medication for non-medical reasons, and many people who abuse prescription drugs choose opioids. Narcotic painkillers such as oxycodone provide pain relief, but can also induce pleasurable or euphoric feelings. People who abuse oxycodone may begin after experiencing the euphoria it causes and later finds it is an effective way to temporarily self-medicate away feelings of stress and emotional pain.

Those who abuse oxycodone often crush the pills into powder and then snort or inject it directly into the bloodstream, which produces a more intense high.

Oxycodone use can result in the development of tolerance at a more accelerated rate than some other opioids. Tolerance is characterized by the need to continuously increase the amount used of a substance over time to achieve the pleasurable effects as previously experienced. The building of tolerance and the associated increase in the amount used can rapidly result in addiction as well as significantly increase the risk of overdose.

In 2013, the FDA approved the use of an abuse-deterrent formulation of oxycodone that offers comparable long-lasting pain control but does not induce these same effects if the medication is crushed or altered. This formula was created as an attempt to reduce the risk of abuse and overdose associated with using oxycodone in a manner in which it is not intended.

Although most people who are prescribed oxycodone use it as directed and do not develop an addiction, certain individuals rapidly become dependent upon it. Many oxycodone addicts also use other substances, such as alcohol or benzodiazepines, concurrently in an attempt to achieve a more intense high. Unfortunately, polysubstance abuse further increases the risk of adverse effects on a person’s physical health and emotional well-being.

Signs and Symptoms of Oxycodone Addiction

Among the most common side effects of oxycodone addiction include the following:

Psychological and Emotional Symptoms

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Agitation or irritability
  • Anger and frustration
  • Impaired attention span
  • Memory problems
  • Disorganized thoughts
  • Hallucinations and delusions
  • Increased risk of suicide
  • Preoccupation with substance attainment and use

Behavioral Signs

  • Forging prescriptions
  • Secretiveness
  • Lying and stealing
  • Hiding substance use
  • Financial or legal issues
  • Routine ER visits complaining of pain
  • Stealing or borrowing opioids from friends or family
  • Purchasing oxycodone on the black market
  • Social isolation, interpersonal relationship problems
  • Doctor-shopping, or obtaining multiple prescriptions

Physical Symptoms

Oxycodone Addiction | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

  • Tolerance and dependence
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Phantom aches and pains
  • Respiratory depression
  • Breathing problems
  • Sleep apnea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Circulatory problems
  • Hypotension
  • Constipation
  • Jaundice
  • Liver or kidney damage
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Chronic dry mouth
  • Restlessness
  • Itchy skin
  • Decreased libido
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Death

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms of oxycodone are comparable to withdrawals from other opioids. Withdrawal symptoms can be highly unpleasant, and any attempts to cut down the amount or frequency of oxycodone used should be discussed with a physician or addiction specialist to ensure withdrawal is safe.

Withdrawal symptoms from oxycodone may include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Body and muscle aches
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Diarrhea
  • Runny eyes and nose
  • Extreme sweating
  • Tremors and shakiness
  • Brain fog
  • Seizures
  • Suicidal thoughts
Co-Occurring Mental Health Conditions

Oxycodone addiction often co-exists with other disorders and requires intensive, integrated treatment to address both conditions simultaneously. Co-occurring disorders may include the following:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depressive disorders
  • Substance use disorders
  • Poor mental and physical health
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Chronic pain conditions and fibromyalgia

Treatment for Oxycodone Abuse and Addiction

Harmony Treatment and Wellness offers comprehensive treatment for addiction in both partial hospitalization and outpatient formats. We employ an integrated approach to substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders that includes evidence-based services vital to the recovery process. These services include psychotherapy, individual, group, and family counseling, psychoeducation, health and wellness programs, and aftercare planning.

Our staff is comprised of caring health providers who specialize in addiction and facilitate these services to clients with compassion and expertise. We are dedicated to helping people free themselves from the grip of addiction so they can begin to experience the healthy and fulfilling lives they deserve.

If you or someone you love is suffering from an addiction to oxycodone or other opioids, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss treatment options and find out how we can help!

Percocet Withdrawal Symptoms: What To Expect

Percocet Withdrawal Symptoms | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Because Percocet contains the opioid drug oxycodone, thousands of people in the United States have developed an addiction to it. Although many people who suffer from an opioid dependence eventually move on to more potent drugs, such as heroin, the wide availability of Percocet continues to be a gateway for many into opioid addiction.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that around 1,000 people visit emergency rooms every day to receive treatment for opioid overdose. In 2014, nearly two million Americans reported struggling with opioid abuse. It is likely that about one-quarter of those who receive an opioid prescription to treat non-cancer pain, such as Percocet, will develop an opioid use disorder.

The withdrawal symptoms associated with overcoming physiological dependence on opioids like Percocet are very rarely life-threatening, but they may be extremely uncomfortable. It is essential to work closely with a physician to detox safely from these drugs, which may involve a replacement medication such as buprenorphine, or easing pain, diarrhea, and nausea using over-the-counter medications.

Percocet Withdrawal

Oxycodone present in Percocet attaches to opioid receptors in the brain, identical to other opioids, including heroin. These receptors react to pain signals in the body, and taking an opioid drug mitigates sensations of pain. However, Percocet also interacts with the brain’s reward system, releasing serotonin, dopamine, and other neurotransmitters that boost mood.

When a dependent person discontinues opioid use abruptly, especially after using them for an extended period, the brain is unable to regulate the balance of neurotransmitters in the same capacity as when Percocet was present. This effect leads to temporary withdrawal symptoms as the system reestablishes chemical equilibrium.

Withdrawal symptoms produced by opioid use may onset a few hours after the last dose has been eliminated from the body. This timeline varies depending on the drug’s halflife and the severity of the dependence. Percocet is found in both regular and extended-release versions, and the half-life of the standard formula is just over three hours, while the extended-release version has a half-life of more than four hours.

A person’s body is considered to be clear of the drug after five half-life cycles. Withdrawal symptoms onset after the drug has been eliminated from the brain. For Percocet withdrawal, symptoms will usually begin between 5-8 hours after the last use.

Stages of Percocet Withdrawal

Percocet withdrawal consists of three overlapping stages: early, peak, and late. Percocet withdrawal symptoms will vary somewhat in each stage.

Early Withdrawal

For most short-acting opioids, this occurs within the first 8-16 hours after the last dose. Symptoms will be mainly physical, although anxiety, cravings, insomnia, and restlessness may be present as well.

Most symptoms of Percocet withdrawal resemble a cold or the flu and include the following:

  • Watery eyes and runny nose
  • Sweating
  • Aches and pains
  • Goosebumps, chills or shivering
  • Involuntary twitching

Peak Withdrawal

Percocet Withdrawal Symptoms | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Symptoms will increase in severity for the first 36 hours of withdrawal and reach their peak within 2-3 days. Symptoms include increased intensity of aches and pains as well as flu-like symptoms.

The person may also report abdominal cramping and diarrhea. Because opioids cause constipation and loss of appetite, as the drug is cleared from the system, the body’s digestive system will respond. The person may also feel nauseous and vomit. Psychological symptoms will become more severe, as well.

Psychological symptoms may include the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability and agitation
  • Cravings

The person’s heart and breathing rate may also increase since opioids depress both of these functions, and this effect may feel like anxiety.

Late Withdrawal

With less powerful opioids such as Percocet, withdrawal symptoms should subside within one week to 10 days. Physical symptoms will dissipate, and the brain will begin producing more of its own neurotransmitters, so mood should improve as well.

However, after this stage, the person may still feel tired, sluggish, or mildly sick, but these symptoms will continue to abate over time. Long-term psychological effects caused by addiction include cravings, anxiety, and compulsion to consume the drug, and these symptoms may persist for much longer. For this reason, entering a rehab program after detox is essential for long-term recovery.

Treatment for Percocet Addiction

Addiction to opioids is not directly curable, but it is treatable. Research has shown that the most effective treatment programs maintain a comprehensive approach to addiction that includes evidence-based treatments such as behavioral therapy, individual and group counseling, and group support.

Harmony Treatment and Wellness employs caring addiction specialists who design treatment programs in accordance with each client’s individual needs and goals. We are dedicated to providing every person we treat with the tools and support they require to overcome opioid addiction and reclaim the fulfilling, joyful life they deserve.

If you or someone you love is suffering from an addiction to Percocet or other opioids, please contact us today to find out how we can help you on your journey to recovery!

Fentanyl Drug Abuse, Withdrawal, and Treatment

Fentanyl Drug Abuse | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Fentanyl is a potent opioid that is usually prescribed to people who are experiencing breakthrough pain that cannot be relieved by morphine or other less powerful analgesic medications. Fentanyl’s strength is estimated to be around 50 times greater than that of morphine.

This characteristic significantly increases its effectiveness but also escalates the dangers of using this drug in any way except as prescribed by a doctor. In addition to pain relief, fentanyl induces feelings of relaxation and euphoria, which makes this drug a tempting option for those who are in search of an intense high.

Regardless of whether a person abuses fentanyl as a means of self-medication or for mostly recreational purposes, the dangers remain the same. Possible adverse outcomes include long-term health problems, the development of addiction, and sudden death due to overdose.

Where Does Fentanyl Come From?

Much of the abuse of fentanyl and its synthetic derivatives involves illicitly produced drugs, rather than as a product of the diversion of prescription drugs. These drugs are usually produced in China and then trafficked into the U.S. through Mexican drug cartels or the Internet.

Unfortunately, abuse can occur accidentally, as fentanyl is commonly mixed into heroin and other illegal drugs to increase potency and maximize dealer profits. Regardless of where the fentanyl drug came from or how it is abused, anyone who uses fentanyl or it’s synthetic derivatives is in grave, life-threatening danger and needs professional treatment immediately.

Signs and Symptoms of Fentanyl Abuse

A person who has been abusing fentanyl or a synthetic derivative may exhibit many signs and symptoms, including the following:

Behavioral Symptoms

  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Social isolation
  • No longer engaging in activities that were previously considered enjoyable
  • Being deceptive and secretive
  • Participating in risky, reckless, or dangerous behaviors

Physical Symptoms

  • Shallow, slow, or labored breathing
  • Reduced heart rate
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Gastrointestinal issues

Cognitive Symptoms

  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Inability to focus or concentrate
  • Impaired judgment

Psychological Symptoms

  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Mood swings
  • Euphoria (feelings of well-being)
  • Dysphoria (feelings of unease or dissatisfaction with life)

Effects of Fentanyl Abuse

People who fail to receive treatment for an addiction to fentanyl or a synthetic derivative faces a significant risk for a variety of adverse effects and outcomes, such as the following:

  • Significant physical and mental health problems
  • Accidents and injuries due to impaired motor functioning and poor decision-making
  • Failed or strained interpersonal relationships
  • Poor performance in school or at work
  • Inability to find work or maintain a job
  • Financial problems
  • An overwhelming sense of hopelessness/despair
  • Social withdrawal and isolation
  • Homelessness
  • Arrest and incarceration
  • Suicidal thoughts and attempts

Fentanyl Withdrawal

Discontinuing the use of a fentanyl drug or a synthetic derivative once a physiological dependence on these drugs has set in can induce several unpleasant or painful withdrawal symptoms.

Potential fentanyl drug withdrawal symptoms may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Intense fentanyl drug cravings
  • Watery eyes (lacrimation)
  • Runny nose
  • Excessive sweating
  • Psychomotor agitation
  • Dysphoria
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle and bone pain

Fentanyl Overdose

Fentanyl Drug Abuse | Harmony Treatment and Wellness

Consuming fentanyl or a synthetic derivative in an amount that undermines the body’s ability to effectively metabolize and eliminate it can result in several dire outcomes. Any person who exhibits one or more of the following symptoms after abusing fentanyl or a synthetic derivative should seek immediate medical attention:

  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Reduced heart rate
  • Respiratory distress
  • Loss of motor coordination
  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Muscle spasms
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Seizure

An overdose of fentanyl is life-threatening. If you or someone you know is experiencing the above symptoms, please call 911 immediately. If you trained to use Narcan, the anti-overdose drug, and have it available, administer it as soon as possible.

Treatment for Fentanyl Drug Abuse

At Harmony Treatment and Wellness, we strive to inspire hope in each client’s ability to reclaim their lives from the powerful grip of substance abuse by wielding both compassion and expertise in the field of substance abuse and addiction.

Our staff evaluates and treats the many factors that have contributed to our client’s desire to abuse fentanyl. We work to ensure that any other psychiatric concerns are recognized and that those who seek our help receive the full spectrum of services they so direly need to live healthier and more fulfilling lives.

We aim to ensure that each person we treat will develop the skills and confidence needed to overcome the addictive thought processes and behaviors that have prevented them from living healthy lives.

Through individualized treatment planning and employing evidence-based approaches, every client will receive the tools and support they need to conquer their addiction and begin to live happy and satisfying lives. Contact us today and discover how we can help you start your journey to long-lasting wellness and sobriety!